Aprons: how to wear
If you're the type of person that loves to mess around in the garden, likes to use all the pans in the kitchen, or you are just a creative being, an apron might come in very handy. Something to wipe off those dirty fingers, or just to have all your necessary equipment ready in hand reach.
Aprons nowadays aren't just a garment meant for work or (household) chores anymore though, but can also just feel very comfortable and still look beautiful when styled well (and just happen to be the perfect accessory hanging in the kitchen too!)
We can imagine it might not immediately spring to mind how stylish and apron can look, so we did a little search on Pinterest for some style inspiration.

images by lereperedesbelettes.

images by notperfectlinen
We absolutely love the simple and natural style of linen aprons and completely fell for the ones made by notPERFECTLINEN; a brand founded by small creative family that makes beautiful garments and homeware made from simple linen (flax) by hand.
Ready to rock your own apron?
You can find them here in natural, black, or swedish blue.
You can find them here in natural, black, or swedish blue.